"The Quest" by William Sidmoreon ancient Sperm Whale Tooth 1979...
"Reindeer"on Alert,Scrimshaw by William Sidmore...
Portrait"Geronimo"by commission Scrimshaw for the"White Pass Yukon Route Railroad in Skagway, Alaska" by William Sidmore
"Toklat"by William Sidmore...
"Glacier Bear" onFossil Walrus Tusk by William Sidmore
"Pine Martin" by William Sidmore
"The Scrimshander" "The First Gallery on Fifth Avenue and Broadway Street, Skagway, Alaska...1976"
"Ancient Sperm Whale Tooth""Scrimshaw by William Sidmore while in Skagway, Alaska 1997...
"Scrimshaw on Ivories by William Sidmore""For over ten years continuous I have engaged in engraving by stippling method as I operated a gallery in Skagway, Alaska called "The Alaskan Scrimshander"
"Ancient Stone End Blade"found in the Kotzebue Sound region in 1978...(Evidence of a time when even utility items such as this spear blade was made beautiful and precise)...
"Woolly Mammoth Ivory" "Ancient Alaska" Fully carved bracelet by William Sidmore...
"Woolly Mammoth Ivory" (eight inches in height) by William Sidmore...
"Woolly Mammoth Bone" "Shaman Hunter of the Tanana" by William Sidmore
"Unlimited Alaskan Designs".. Available from my studio for dealers with great price points, "Distributor and Wholesale format"(All hand carved from bone from $8.00 to $12.00)
"Woolly Mammoth Ivory" Amulet design by William Sidmore, "Long Way Down"
Saturday, April 25, 2009
"Woolly Mammoth Ivory" Large example of Lions and Ancient Arctic Hunter Group by William Sidmore...
"Woolly Mammoth Ivory" "Left Alone" by William Sidmore...
Friday, April 24, 2009
"Ebony and Mammoth Ivory,"... "Shaman's Voice" by William Sidmore... "Woolly Mammoth Ivory"..."Overwhelming Odds" by William Sidmore... "Woolly Mammoth Ivory"..."The Last of the Kotzebue Lions" by William Sidmore...
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Hello, and view the design concepts illustrated in this blog for dealers, collectors and others whom are interested in a never ending motifs from custom to personal works from the studio of William Sidmore....
Woolly Mammoth Ivory..."Dancing Hunters" by William Sidmore... Woolly Mammoth Ivory..."Song of the Caribou" by William Sidmore "Barrel of Seal Oil" by William Sidmore...Woolly Mammoth Ivory... These are pendant designs of Woolly Mammoth ivories by William Sidmore...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Pen and Ink illustration of Woolly Mammoth drawn by William Sidmore, 1993... Multi-piece Walrus Ivory Ipiutak burial Mask listed in the "Nome Nugget" discovered in the front yard of James Moto, Deering Alaska.."I was in Deering at the time and wished to view the mask first hand and everyone was refused permission by Gilbert Barr, Deering city government."
AmuletMask...Okvik, St. Lawrence Island Alaska... Mammoth Family of Mammoth Ivory...
"How could She have three cubs?" Mammoth Ivory from Brevig Mission, Alaska... "Three Grizzlies" on Mammoth Ivory from Teller, Alaska... "Reunion" usually inspired by the salmon run, but friendly...Mammoth Ivory pendant... One of my earliest pieces of a comfortable "Eagle gone South" in Skagway, 1979, Whale Tooth... The Ancients Ones have been carving both Mammoth and Walrus Ivories for thousands of years, evident of a time hosted by a different world than the present, a different wisdom...
Mammoth Ivory Sculpture of "Ice Free Heart" by William Sidmore... Ancient Human Form of "Okvik" times, walrus ivory, St. Lawrence Island, Alaska.. Benevolent Group of Ancient hunters and Arctic Lions, Mammoth Ivory... Ancient Stone Blade discovered at Punuk Island, Yupik native, St. Lawrence Island...Alaska Sculpture "Rescue" on Prehistoric Narwhal Ivory of ancient legend of walrus confrontation in the Bering Sea...