Tuesday, June 8, 2010

"Denbigh, the Small People"  "5000 years ago lived the Denbigh villagers, high in the Arctic and were less than a meter in height.  They were artists in stone and made the most beautiful tools to hunt with.  They were not easily seen or found by any other tribe of the north but were respected for their magic and tundra knowledge.  To this day scientist marvel at their blades and artistic perfection, yet deny their existence as the smallest tribes.
"Spirit Bear, Spirit Man"   "Legend has it, the Inuit god, Yupik, enjoyed setting up his villagers on numerous occasions, (such as this sculpture depicts), as he transforms himself, along  with others, to play torment only to bring good news of a hunt...in progress."  "Yupik retired to the farthest north when Russian traders appeared in the early 19th century, he remains there, one can hear his roars rippling off the shores of Wrangle Island."

Monday, June 7, 2010

"Click on "Older Posts" to view additional pages"

Sunday, June 6, 2010

"Bo Earls, blade of chert attached to my handle of ancient Woolly Mammoth Bone.  This is an example of prehistoric Inuit typology of the Thule period of 1200 years.  I have many actual artifact knifes in my collection to utilize as reference in order to construct authentic motifs of ancient 'style' work."
"Prehistoric Woolly Mammoth Ivory knife with slate blade, discovered in the Kotzebue region of Arctic Alaska, Thule Inuit of 1200 years age."
"Prehistoric Woolly Mammoth Ivory Knife hilt ornament of ancient Thule Inuit"  "Blade of slate and typical of motifs discovered through out the region."  "Unknown motif perhaps a shaman's identity of a vision of some fantastic creature."
"Prehistoric 'two piece' knife artifact of walrus ivory handle and nephrite 'jade' blade discovered in the Kotzebue region of Alaska."
"Prehistoric Walrus Ivory knife handle (Hilt) from Arctic Alaska discovered near Kotzebue, village.  "Both knife blade (nephrite jade) and walrus ivory handle were detached as were held together by an ivory pin attachment.  Age approx 1200 years, Thule Inuit."
"Bo Earls, ( world class flint-knapper ) from Utah, America, produced the blade of chert, I then attached a handle of ancient 'Caribou Jawbone' of which I discovered while beach combing the Bering Sea region of Alaska."  "Occasionally I produce reproductions for museums and private collectors.  I utilize modern blades produced by artists, as with the blades discovered from ancient discoveries, all produced from stones of various types."