This Blog Page is offering Business incentives for my studio Project endeavor of re-establishing Ancient Artifact Amulets and Designs from extinct cultures... Some examples are discovered from archaeological projects throughout the Alaskan Arctic and artifacts discovered in isolated random findings... All Amulets are in either antique finish or in the white, the promotion photo displays "Antique" finish, beginning with price range from $6.00 to $12.00 each depending on amount of detail, size and components used...Feel free to inquire and offerings of new design concepts are welcome...
Wow! I just came to your blog from your post to mine and I am so impressed. You do amazing work and I can see you put your heart into it. I would love to touch some of your pieces. The warmth from the antique finish is so rich. I'll bookmark your site and will be back.
Wow! I just came to your blog from your post to mine and I am so impressed. You do amazing work and I can see you put your heart into it. I would love to touch some of your pieces. The warmth from the antique finish is so rich. I'll bookmark your site and will be back.